Marvel undoubtedly has sat on top of the throne for the past 10 years starting with Iron Man, but things may be starting to change… This is a review on Black Adam and a rant on recent Marvel films. No major Black Adam spoilers ahead, so don’t worry if you haven’t watched it yet.

Black Adam
I am a Marvel fan (if you can’t tell) and watching Black Adam brings me slight memory joy glimpses of watching the first Avengers film. The Black Adam film is full of magic, flying, awesome fight sequences, multiple heroes, characters from past DC films, mostly well-timed humour, and more. This film beats any Marvel film released in 2022 (That’s in the Marvel cinematic universe with Thanos, Iron-Man etc.) for me and just edges in front of the pack from Doctor Strange 2.

Marvel Marvel Marvel what have you done. The reason Black Adam edges Marvel films this year is because the Marvel of late has been just ok, but me paying for a cinema ticket for just ok is not appealing. Here are the 2022 Marvel films, that for me are behind Black Adam for the best superhero movie of 2022:

Black Panther Wakanda Forever
Unlikely you would hear many people say Black Panther 2 / Wakana Forever is their all-time favourite film. Don’t get me wrong, Black Panther 2 had a really difficult issue of dealing with the death of Chadwick Boseman, which I felt they did a good job with; other than that the main enemy didn’t have enough pull for me and the story was a bit boring. Good guy turned bad; the main enemy then realised his wrongdoing after getting a beat down.

Thor Love and Thunder
Thor was ok, I call this film a fan service. We did not need this film, but we got the humour and the ladies favourite Thor showing off his muscles. I feel like Marvel only brought out Thor Love and Thunder not because we needed to see more character development or what happened next, but purely because they could. Was funny but felt a bit rushed with a weak, good guy turned bad, main enemy being created by just holding a sword to become one of the most powerful enemies the Marvel universe has ever faced killing many people in the process (including Gods), just to stop right at the last hurdle because he realised (Thor convinced him) he was wrong.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
Doctor Strange 2 is Marvel’s best outing of 2022 for me. Full of twists and turns, humour and more. Again, the main enemy, Wanda, a good person turned bad, and again right at the last hurdle, she realised her wrongdoing and stopped (with Dr Strange’s convincing / help) even after killing many people to get this far.

Upcoming DC Movies 2023
With Marvel coming out with similar plots from their own previous films, maybe DC can offer something fresh, exciting and new now that Thanos (Best main evil character ever) has gone from the Marvel universe and gone with it the crown.