Man in a VR headset

Meta Quest 3 for fitness

Some people find it hard to go GYM or exercise for various reasons but the Meta Quest 3 makes that effort much easier. From the comfort of your own home you can be boxing or playing table tennis in a world that is realistic as possible without being there. Make sure you play these games standing up with a few metres of space to get the best workouts and experience from these games as sit down mode (when available) not fulfilling the greatest potential for fitness.

There’s two versions available of the Meta Quest:

Meta Quest 3 on Amazon – Price is usually around £470

Or the cheaper and perfectly suitable Meta Quest 3s version here:

Meta Quest 3s on Amazon – Price is usually around £300

The difference between the two is the quality of what your seeing with the Meta Quest 3 having the higher quality and Meta Quest 3s with the lower quality (still very good quality and if you never try the Meta Quest 3 you wouldn’t know there was a difference). If your budget allows go for the Meta Quest 3.

Fitness Games Ranked:


The Thrill of the Fight 2 artwork

Thrill of the fight 2 – This game by far gets your heart rate up to the level to be burning fat. Your boxing actual people so I duck, weave and punch. If I stop moving then I am going to get hit so it is a win win in burning more calories by moving! The game has an olympic champion boxer called Tony Jeffries who states he uses the game for fitness. The game is still in BETA mode and very cheap (approx. £5 at time of writing). I have noticed recently that some players can throw very hard punches constantly and they may have found a trick to gain an advantage, it is even better when I win by actually boxing. Remember to protect your stomach, face and move to not get hit!


FunFitLand artwork

FunFitLand – This is an exercise focused calorie burning game and it does very well in doing that. It has a boxing type mode and a dance one. You have what looks like real personal trainers showing you how its done and motivating you the whole way. The boxing requires you to duck, weave, elbow and punch whilst the dancing requires you to duck,groove, slide and pop. The app keeps track on the calories burnt, what workouts you are doing and how long you are doing them for to tailor your workouts. Now this one not cheap, it approx £75 subscription a year after a 14 day trial. See it like a gym membership as if your not very active, this is a great way to keep fit.


The Thrill of the Fight artwork

Thrill of the fight – First of the series of the Thrill of the fight games, this game is single player only. In some aspects some could say it better for fitness than the multiplayer variant due to the computer is always going to try and beat you where real players can be unpredictable. You have to constantly put up a good fight with the computer else you will lose so great way to keep your body moving.


PistolWhip artwork

Pistol Whip – Ultra fun shooting game where you have to aim and shoot enemies whilst dodging bullets and objects. Play the campaign mode to start your fitness journey and by the end of it your body will be aching.


BeatSaber Artwork

Beat Sabre – This is a music game where you break blocks in rhythm. I only feel it is a good workout on the harder modes as you have to move very fast to hit the blocks in time, however any movement from zero is better exercise than nothing.


Eleven Table Tennis – This game is absolutely amazing, the physics have been done so well and it very much feels like you are playing real table tennis. It allows you to do the various spins from the angle and speed you hit the ball like in real life. You need space though, if you want to play it properly you need the space you would have for a real table but also space around the table to go on the sides or further back. You can play online or against the computer. I unfortunately did whack my partner once whilst playing this game but luckily we are still together 😂.

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